Monday 2 March 2015

OUGD505: Research images

Do people's phones become a part of them?

Image in an image:
The idea of showing photos within photos reinforces a sense of being so involved with social media that you begin a downward spiral of attachment with online profiles and the online world, in a sense.

Physical distortion; things can be seen as one thing from a certain viewpoint, whereas from other areas the image (in this case, text) is broken up and distorted to the point where it may not make sense at all and is completely different to the image seen from the 'right' angle. This could be compared to the feed of information individuals are given through social media; they receive from one angle and don't see the other more unfinished and warped outcomes.

Deconstruction and re appropriation of beauty/fashion photography, showing the construction of people's image in a graphic style. Using both colour and black and white breaks the image up even more, as well as keeping the white edges of the ripped pieces.

Quotes relevant to social media engagement:
- square format suits the instagram page; something to consider in my practical solution
- possibly use Steve Jobs quote (and similar) on final posters

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