Saturday 20 February 2016

OUGD603: Secret 7

While browsing I came across this site 'album colours of the year', showing the spectrum of hues spanning the 2015 album covers. While being interesting visually to see the transition of colour amongst the placement of the covers, it also allowed me to view a wide selection of very different album covers on one site, looking purely at the artwork. Hovering on each square reveals the artist name/song, and also a hex code depicting the most common colour on each sleeve.

Seeing these inspired me to look at the Secret 7 competition again this year, with a different motive than usual. I tried to pick a few that stood out to me but I found the juxtaposition of all the covers made it difficult to focus on just one, there were many I was drawn to based on individual compositions.

I thought about maybe this year creating a design that uses predominantly one colour, and remembered research from a few years back of Leif Podhajsky's repetitive album cover work for the likes of Bonobo and other artists.

Playing around with some of my own photographs allowed me to reverse, flip and rotate copies of each image to create new ones. Using the geometry I considered when photographing I was able to create quite striking images, especially when able to match up corners perfectly.

I've looked at a few of the artists this year, and although no ideas jump out at me straight away for any of them, I think I will try and complete 2 or 3 designs to send in. This brief is really more of a break-from-other-work brief for me, but I still want to try and come up with a concept that relates to the chosen tracks in some way. Seeing how the competition unfolded over the past few years I don't want to stress too much over it, and it gives me a chance to experiment with photos/writing/digital modification to create eye catching designs.

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