Wednesday 3 February 2016

OUGD603: Progressio Fundraiser Poster

For a fundraising event held in Warrington by mine and Dan's friend Marley, she asked us to design a poster which implied a funky vibe. This brief was very informally set and we were given a short time frame to produce it, and we completed it in one night. 

Originally we wanted to incorporate vibrant and colourful patterns of floral or nature inspired shapes, though we later asked our friend Aidan who produces surface pattern designs to help us out with one of his patterns. He sent across a few designs from which we picked the most suitable one for the event.

To keep the poster simple we limited ourselves to using just type as the main aspect. This allowed us to include all the information necessary. I created some lettering in a scratched, uneven and irregular style, which fits with the DIY aesthetic of the the fundraising event.

We were able to play around with the colours, matching them to those in Aidan's pattern that we used as a border to enclose all the information. We also contrasted the the hand lettering with typography in block sections to break up the different sections of information.

 To further develop the visual aesthetic into a mismatched and funky formation, we warped the edges of the border to make it less clean cut and complementary of the hand drawn text in the centre.

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