Friday 13 February 2015

OUGD503 (Brief 1): Pricing and distribution

To make sure I didn't over or under price the booklets, I did some research into the prices of existing, similar zines by looking at a variety on display at the Village Bookstore in the Corn Exchange. The lowest price for an A5 booklet was £6, and ranged up to about £12 in that format. I was originally considering selling each booklet for £5, though I need to ensure that I cover cost of production as well as time - though this is something I'm not entirely concerned about at the moment as I would still be selling my work, fitting in as part of this module.

Worked out that at a charge of £8, and the Bookstore taking 40% of the profit, I would make a loss of 10p per 28 page booklet (Venice and Berlin) as they cost £4.90 each to produce.  Any more than £8 would deter potential customers and any less would make it unworthy of creating on a mass scale for purchasing.  The booklet for Amsterdam was folded and bound in the machine due to having no full bleed images, and fewer pages lowered the cost to £3.50.

I contacted the Village Bookstore to stock the booklets, though unfortunately the lack of space and category the content falls into (travel) isn't currently suitable for sale. In consideration for the future, I could make more appropriate photo zines with less pages, which would in turn cost less to produce. An alternative method of marketing these booklets would be to include them in an online store, or promote online through a personal website, which I am going to look into in the near future.

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