Thursday 7 May 2015

OUGD505: Own Notes and Development of Ideas

idea of expansion / balloons, chemical reactions, scientific causes etc

compare to expanding the mind - a muscle that needs exercising just like the body. social media is stunting the amount of brain exercise in the area of improvement and knowledge, so people should be encouraged to grow their minds and perspectives through sharing and browsing useful and interesting information rather than the same old updates of people's personal lives with no real connection or care present.

came up with the idea to create a series of posters that work as a chronological set, though still work on their own. To show the growth, a photographic image would be consistent across all three, changing slightly in a short stop motion style to show the growth/expansion of the subjects.

Another idea was to use the posture young people possess by facing their head down to look at their phone, and using this direction of sight to place a message in an appropriate place; i.e. the floor, when looking down when sat on a bench, for example.

The use of type seems like something I can capitalise on as there's quite a bit of information I can create into an image through type. I also have considered using the format of social media mobile sites to have the audience relate to the posters as a mimic of the screen they are so familiar with. This included looking at the speech bubbles associated with the Messaging / text app, as well as square imagery and small button-style icons.

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