Tuesday, 30 September 2014

OUGD504 (Brief 01): Research - hand drawn type

After identifying that my recent work has incorporated a lot of hand drawn type, I have decided I want to make use of this in my design process leaflet. I also work best by working my ideas out through drawing

Not knowing how I wanted to design the leaflet yet, or which fold to use, I started researching hand drawn type for information.

Hand drawn poster style would be suitable for portrait sections of leaflet.

Mark van Leeuwen's work:

I want to try out a similar technique to create shaped typography like Leeuwen's work above, as it looks neat and works well standing alone, almost like a logo or symbol rather than text.

OUGD504 (Brief 01): Session One - the design process

Today we were given the first brief since our return to college, entering the second year of the course.

"My design process" is a week long brief that requires us to design and produce a leaflet that describes our understanding of the design process and how we apply this process to our own work.

In today's session we produced (in pairs) a mind map of initial thoughts on what should be considered and included in the design process, which was later refined into a flow chart structure.  By doing this exercise it became clear that the design process often repeats and goes back on itself, making the structure non-linear and often using repeat methods at different stages in the process.

I made some notes about my own design process to help when writing the content for my leaflet:

By seeing everyone's results of their mind maps for the design process, it helped a lot when trying to put together a method that was specific to me.